Bulk Orders

Are you ready to take your shopping experience to the next level?
Whether you're a retailer looking to stock our products, a savvy shopper who wants to wholesale or a corporate who wants to save big, our bulk order option is perfect for you.
Let us show you the benefits:
Unbeatable Savings: When you buy in bulk, you unlock incredible savings. Our bulk order prices are significantly lower than our regular prices, allowing you to get more for your money. You'll be amazed at how much you can save.
Perfect for Reselling: If you're a business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, our bulk order option is a game-changer. You can purchase our top-selling products in large quantities and resell them for a profit. With our affordable bulk prices, you'll have a competitive edge in the market and the opportunity to grow your business.
Customisable Orders: We understand that every customer has unique needs. That's why we offer customisable bulk orders. Whether you want to mix and match different products or order a specific quantity of a single item, we can accommodate your preferences. Just let us know what you need, and we'll make it happen.
Contact our friendly customer support team at info@craftmate.in today to learn more about our bulk order options.